Equity in Motion - Promising Practices for Advancing Sustainable Transportation Equity in Canadian Cities

February 28, 2024


1:00 PM (EST)

Transport poverty affects over one million people in Canada, restricting their access to essential opportunities due to insufficient, unsafe, or costly transportation choices. Cities are recognizing the injustices embedded in the planning, design, and delivery of transportation, and mobilizing around the need for change. With equity on governments’ policy agendas and new investments in active transportation and transit, there is an opportunity to build fairer, more inclusive transportation systems. What can transportation practitioners and urban planners do on the ground to turn these commitments into realities?

Join researcher Meghan Winters from INTerventions, Equity, Research, and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT), and city builders Lisa Leblanc (City of New Westminster), Deborah Lightman RPP (City of Ottawa), and Christian Lee (City of Edmonton) as they explore the findings from INTERACT’s new report, Practices and Inspiration for Sustainable Transportation Equity: Case Studies from Canadian Cities. Developed in collaboration with LevelUp Planning and transportation and equity professionals from across Canada, this report shares practical guidance on ways cities can embed equity in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of transportation interventions.

Together, our panel will delve deeper into key insights from the report, including what transportation equity really means and key considerations for the development of municipal equity policies in Canada.

Presenter and Moderator:

Meghan Winters

Meghan Winters is a Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. Her research focuses on how city design impacts mobility, safety, health, and equity. She and her team work with decision-makers and community groups to support livable, sustainable, and equitable cities.


Lisa Leblanc

Lisa Leblanc is Director of Engineer and Deputy City Manager at the City of New Westminster. She is passionate about working in a progressive community to advance equitable and inclusive solutions to the climate crisis while delivering core services in a sustainable and resilient way.

Christian Lee

Christian Lee is a Senior Planner with Edmonton’s Zoning Bylaw team. With a background in architecture and over a decade of professional planning experience, Christian’s passion is found at the intersection of zoning, sustainability, housing affordability, and equity in planning policy outcomes. His portfolio includes having led the Urban Design and the Strategic Initiatives & Infill Liaison teams with the City of Edmonton.

Deborah Lightman

Deborah Lightman is a transportation planner and policy analyst with experience in both the public and private sectors. She is passionate about sustainable transportation and equitable city-building, and is currently the Program Manager overseeing the update to Ottawa’s Transportation Master Plan.

Title: Equity in motion - Promising practices for advancing sustainable transportation equity in Canadian cities

Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Time: 1:00pm – 2:15 p.m. ET

Format: Webinar. 75min of presentation, panel discussion, and Q&A

Webinar Fee:

  • Free to CIP members
  • $35 plus applicable taxes for non-members